Join us for coffee flights from 8:00-12:00 on Saturday, January 27th!
Here are a few things to know and keep in mind for Saturday:
Flight offerings for this date: VALENTINE'S ($15) & Classic ($12)
To maintain consistency and flow, we will not be able to make substitutions or adaptations to flight drinks/menus. All flights are iced, caffeinated, and delicious! The Classic flight is able to be ordered dairy free (+$1) with your choice of oat or almond milk.
Seating is limited, and flights are dine-in only, so please be considerate of others when choosing your spot and how long you stay in it. We want you to take your time and enjoy your flights, but we also ask that you please make room for others who want to do the same.
There might be a line and there might be a wait! We just ask that you please come ready with some patience and grace for our team as we rock out hundreds of drinks! If you find yourself in a bit of a line, enjoy the company of the world's best customers. Maybe you'll make a new friend!
We are not able to take reservations for flights, but we'll let you know if that changes in the future!
BREAKFAST 8:00-NOON: Come try Fast Fuel's new breakfast menu!!!
We look forward to seeing you and serving you!!!